seeking recommendations for a preamp

I've been lurking a while, but this is my first post. I will appreciate any advice given, and thank you for reading this.

My Kenwood C2 bit the dust. I have lost the right channel, and the input selector is also going out. I'm looking to replace it, and upgrade quite a bit. The wife has given me a $2500 budget, new or used is ok. I listen to Vinyl a lot, as well as my echo dot which is also plugged into my preamp with a headphone to RCA adapter. I'll list my other equipment now.

Completely rebuilt Altec A7-500 with all new parts from GPA
JBL L200s
Kenwood M1D amplifier
Homebrew rebuilt Monoblocks from Zenith consoles with EL84/6BQ5
Yamaha EQ
Thorens TD 318 with an Ortofon cart. Unsure which one as I am at work
SVS PB16 ultra

The room is 16 wide by 20 deep. I primarily listen to the Altecs and tube amps with the SVS sub taking up the slack in the bass from the A7s. Sometimes I listen to the JBLs driven by the Kenwood M1D. I notice that the echo dot sounds a lot better than my turntable, so I know I must be needing a better phono stage. I've tried swapping out turntables with a couple of Dual 1229s with Shure M97XE carts that Bill at fixmydual has gone through thoroughly so It's not isolated to my Thorens. I guess I' surprised that the $30 Echo Dot sounds so much better.  

I admit I don't have the best cables, and will upgrade those as I can. I feel like the preamp is the heart of the system so I want to make a good choice. I love Macintosh, based purely off emotion, but don't know if it's the best choice for my situation. I do not have a local shop to audition, and none of my friends are into audio. What preamps should I be looking at ??
Call Don Sachs. It’s just at your price range and if you work with him, you can just have the features that you need for a little less than your budget. But you will actually own a preamp that will murder anything below $6-7k. They are that good. Because I didn’t want balanced inputs, I was able to get one with an older case that was left behind at the woodshop...but it was stuffed with all the latest improvements and it saved me a couple hundred dollars.

The used AI 3A’s should go for $1200-1500. AI has refurbished units that they go over, clean and replace the tubes on for about $1600. Those units are very close to looking new. $1700 on Ebay is probably not a great deal. The double volume controls allow you to fine tune the balance if needed. Nice if you have a slight channel imbalance. It can happen sometimes in many different areas of your system. Adjusting 2 volume pots is pretty easy after a couple tries.   Call AI and talk to Art Ferris doubt the tubes they recommend.  They will be matched sets and will last a long time.  In the 23 years of owning the 2 AI preamps,  I only replaced tubes twice in the 2D and when I first bought a used 3A, right when I got it.  The previous owner said they could use a replacement.  For 6 years, there was NO loss of performance.  

Hope this helps.

Question   I have a pair of rca splitters plugged into my current preamp with one set of RCAs going to the Kenwood M1D and another set going to my tube amplifiers. This way I just run whichever amplifier I want and leave the other one turned off. For example I may leave the Kenwood on and listen to my JBL’s or I may not turn it on at all and listen to my Altecs with the tube amps. The left Channel is split again so that I have an output for my sub. Am I messing with the output impedance that the preamp sees in a way that could be harmful ??
I just got to thinking that which ever preamplifier I choose, I want to make sure that I don’t damage it. The Kenwood C2 was $150 so I guess it didn’t really matter but it may now.