John Prine, singer, songwriter, legend - Dead at 73 from COVID-19

John Prine, singer, songwriter, legend - Dead at 73 from COVID-19

My sympathy goes out to his family, friends and millions of admiring fans. This makes me very sad. He was, by all accounts, a wonderful person. He will be missed.
John Prine had prior heart problems and cancer. His immune system was compromised. They do know he had contacted Covid 19. Many who die from coronavirus have compromised immune systems, and are even dying of the other condition but its being counted as a coronavirus death in the stats.

Many people are now walking around with Covid 19 and have no idea they have it. And, are afraid of getting it! There’s the irony.

Its propaganda that drives the masses to panic rather than treating it logically. If you know how.. You can get a herd of placid cows to stampede by making them panic. Refuse to be herd bound!   Learn how to nutritionally boost your immune system.  Smoking compromises the lungs integrity.  Eating and drinking wrong as well.