Tidal vs ATC

Thinking about my end game speaker and seriously considering one from either brand. On the Tidal camp looking at either the Contriva G2 or Agoria and on the ATC camp the SCM150 or SCM300.
Any thoughts on this battle? The tidal I know is a truly amazing speaker. The contriva g2 is the best I've heard and has an amazing finish.  But I see insane praise from ATC for being a very accurate and extremely well made speaker. Only issue is I have no local dealers for ATC in canada. Maybe after the pandemic is over I'll fly to USA to hear them... but honestly even that makes me a bit nervous with all this going on.
Any thoughts?
The Tidal speakers have put a lot of effort into their cabinet technology. ATC have done nothing. They just use a basic square mdf box. Tidal use different materials and shapes. 

The Tidal has a superior cabinet. The ATC advantage is supposedly the drivers especially the mid dome. But there is no evidence provided by ATC on their website showing that their mid dome is audibly better. So its all hearsay. 

Neither TIDAL or ATC is custom tuned to your ears which of itself is a problem. 

The ATC is also a 2 or 3 way design and this means it will never be anywhere near as good as a perfect 1way full range driver if such a thing existed. 
@kenjit  It's better to let the main speakers roll off, use a sub or subs to fill in the bottom.  Most people would prefer to not have an eq in the main signal path and one that is transparent will be expensive.  It's better to eq sub frequencies only, where the quality of the eq doesn't much matter and a cheap one is fine.  
Apples and oranges. I was the only ATC dealer in California for many years.
They have advantages over a passive speaker. The main one is that active ATCs like the flagship SCM 300 has an amplifier carefully matched for each driver. Surely, the most critical and difficult factor in an audio playback system are amp and speaker. It could be said the two hands clapping in any system. ATC has spent decades addressing this issue. A main result is they have created a speaker line, especially in their upper line powered, that has been embraced by professionals around the world. In performance venues like the Sydney Opera House, The Disney Concert Hall and many of the top studios. A high point and pro opinion I well remember and value is when the engineer of the Star Trek Movie soundtrack at Skywalker Sound/LucasFilm heard its main theme in my living room through my ATC Anniversary 50s and said it was the best he had ever heard it!
That speaks to the main point; The upper line ATCs are primarily a pro speaker. If you seek the accurate and clear reproduction of what was recorded, go for ATC. Ultimately, I personally realized that critical listening was not to my liking. If it is to yours, buy or look for used ATC Anniversary models. The matching of the internal amps are most absolute and all class A. The finish is also a beautiful burled walnut. The SCM 300 is a monster really only designed for a very large room and does not stand up to the sound of an Anniversary model. I don’t have any personal experience with a Tidal but respect their reputation as one of the best consumer lines. I believe a Steve Hoffman listens to them in his main system. Steve is one of the few great pros who have great experience in the consumer world. I respect his taste and opinions. The bottom line in HiFi is that you need to develop a system that suits your taste. Assuming a good amp match, a speaker does not necessarily need to be very expensive like the upper line ATCs and the Tidals. 
I have no experience with Tidal. I do have experience with ATC, but it’s limited to their smallest (and passive) professional monitor, the SCM12 Pro's. So my comment may or may not be relevant to this thread.

But here’s the thing: I’ve had 4-5 powered and/or passive speakers in this nearfield listening system (home office) with electronics that are well above average. And the ATCs are orders of magnitude above anything else I’ve heard. When I first got them, paired with a big class D amp (Wyred4Sound ST-500), they blew the roof off this place, not just in volume, but dynamics. tonal/timbral realism, mid-bass, and top to bottom believability.

Here’s the other thing: they sound extremely good at low volume. It may be a revelation when they’re cranked, but they give me the same crystal-clean window into music at low volume as high. This has not be true to this extent with anything else I tried.

FYI, I’m very brightness-averse, so was kind of stunned to like these so much. They might be accurate and detailed, but they’re also quite musical. If I was looking for big $$ speakers, active ATCs would be high on my list.
The winning speaker at the June 2019 Scottsdale Speakerfest was the passive ATC SCM40. It was driven by the ATC CDA2 CD Preamp DAC (playing both CDs and music files from an Apple laptop) into the ATC P1 stereo amplifier. The speakers were placed on AV Room Service EVP isolation pads.