Acoustic Zen Adagio vs Thiel 2.4

So I've been struggling to find the right pair of floor standing speakers for my listening space. Since it's only 12x18 (listening position is 10 feet away), I'm fairly limited in terms of size. My friend has a pair of Thiel 2.4s which sounded great to me, but they're just too big for my room.

I've been reading great things about the Adagio, and after talking to their owner (great guy), he convinced me I would be fine with them in my setup. Problem is, the closest dealer is 200 miles away.

Has anyone compared these two? They use a similar "underhung driver" design, albeit the Acoustics use a ribbon tweeter. I was not a huge fan of my previous B&Ws 7nts (too technical for me), so I don't suppose the ribbon tweeter would be an issue.

I will drive them with a mcintosh SS amp (mc202). Listen to mostly rock/jazz.

Any input would be great. Thanks!
I have the CS2.4 in a 12X15X7' room and it works fine I use the short wall. My speakers are round 7.5 feet apart and I sit 8.5 feet back. I do have them out 4 feet (from the front of the speaker) from the front wall though. You need to sit 8-12' with Thiel speakers for the best results concerning driver integration. If you sit closer a lower seat will help, if you need to sit farther back try a higher seat (you can also tilt the speakers a little).

The CS2.4 will be fine in your room and no more compromised than any other speaker in the same room. You will be hard pressed to better the CS2.4 for the money. Many good pairs used on this site too $2700-$3400.

Never heard of the other speaker you listed.
The forests were quite an amazing little speaker.Just couldnt get past the aluminim dome tweeter sometimes would be a tad much.image like crazy.The adagios just are more relaxed,warmer presentation.listen to mainly jazz and vocal stuff.I am content i made right decision...wouldnt mind having a pair of totems for s**ts and giggles.
You should look at the Alon speakers being sold on Audigon. The model IIs, IVs and Vs are fantastic speakers going for cheap. I heard the early versions of the Adagio spekaers and was not impressed with them. I don't know if they have improved upon them since I last heard them. Even the dealer thought that they were just ok and he pushed them on the HT side versus the audio side of his sales. Just my 2 cents.
Hoffer 71...eventhough I am a fan of the 2.4s and definitely think you should audition them, I did see this Agon ad for the Adagios and on the face of it, it looks like a decent deal for a brand new pair:

Again, I have never heard the Adagios so don't know if they are good or not but when I saw this ad, I figured I'd flag it for you.
I own them and have spent time with them,not just a passing judgment made..they are more than ok,ive been playing professionally for more than 40 yrs and have owned alot of speakers..i think there are better speakers out there and they are not the end of all speaker searches.audition at home if you can before rush to judgment.there are allways tradeoffs with any speaker, anybody that tells you something else???