Plinius Int 9200 or McIntosh 6600 for Dynaudio C1

Hi, I'm looking for used integrated amplifier to drive Dynaudio Confidence C1. Any one ever try to use Plinius 9200 or McIntosh 6600? Thanks.
McIntosh 6600 hit the power guard on C1s in my experience. BAT was the best match I found.
I drive my C1s with Rortel RB990. I am the guy of the old school considering there is better more power for bigger dynamic. Plinius and McIntosh has the same power output, McIntosh has lower THD. McIntosh enjoys biger reputation. What are prices on the second-hand market?
I have heard the Plinius 9200 and Dynaudio C1 and thought they made a good pairing. Unable to comment on the Mac.