The digital shootout is scheduled for this coming Saturday, Feb. 5th, starting around 1pm at my house.
People who I think will participate include, in no particular order:
Steve (711smilin), Charles (Avguru), Bon (Jayctoy), Mark (1markr), Tom (Tgun5), Tim Babb, Henry Sadovsky, and Bob Youman.
Equipment proposed for the comparisons, in no special order:
(A) APL modded Denon 3910
(B) modified Esoteric DV-50 (Superclock 3)
(C) Modwright Sony 9000es
(D) Modwright Sony 999es
(E) Sony SCD-777ES Richard Kern modified
(F) Esoteric X01
(G) Audio Aero DAC
(H) Audio Note 3.1x DAC
(I) EMMlabs transport and DAC
And that's not counting my digital setup, consisting of modified G&D Transforms transport and Entec Number Cruncher DAC; they are redbook only and haven't been available for several years but continue to fare very well against others...we'll see. My transport can be used for the DACs being brought.
I think there are too many players, so we need to whittle down the list to five or six at most, not counting my rig.
I know there's a lot of personal pride at stake, but I hope each of you will look at things as objectively as possible and help decide which ones shouldn't be included in the shootout. What is chosen for the comparisons doesn't necessarily reflect on how good it is, just the level of interest in it being compared.
Maybe the best way is for everyone to vote by ranking each of the above in terms of your interest in hearing it and comparing it. Rank from 1 to 9, since there are 9 listed. Post the letter and the number, where 1 is highest interest and 9 is lowest interest, for example B3. This way it will be easiest to tally the votes. Post your votes here or email them to me.
Again, I strongly encourage bringing or delivering the gear ahead of time so it can be warmed up. If you have a favorite power cord you use, bring it, and please remember the remote control.
I will have a few redbook CD tracks to play for the comparisons and invite suggestions of tracks, both redbook and hi-rez.