the preamp's MAIN OUT goes to each monoblock and the other (TAPE OUT -- now a second main out) is free. Does that fact change your advice?
No, it doesn't affect my comment. Presumably the change that was made disconnected the two tape out connectors from the internal circuit points to which they are ordinarily connected, and connected them instead to the main out connectors (or to corresponding internal circuit points). So if you were to connect a y-adapter to the two tape out connectors, to create a mono signal for the sub by shorting the signals on the two tape out connectors together, you would also be shorting the signals on the main out connectors together. Thus an identical summed-to-mono signal would be provided to both monoblocks.
@imhififan 's suggestions are almost invariably excellent, and from what I can tell from the somewhat limited descriptions shown at the links he provided it looks like the device he suggested should work fine.
Best regards,
-- Al