Opinions please - Rowland 625 S2 vs Luxman M900u ?

Any thoughts on this comparison?
Happy Easter! I hope everyone is healthy and feeling good. I played around with a Nordost Brahma, Audience Au24se, and Isotek Optimum ( had to use 15 amp adapter ).
While I do hear differences among these cables I can tell you that the Pass INT 250 is a better power match into my Dynaudio Confidence 50’s; Unless I boost the bass via the C 900 tone controls the results are quite disappointing. Initially when I first got the m900 back in my system I let my excitement get the better of me and was “ blown away”. However as the days have ticked off I find this amp to be not a great match with these speakers.
I have a dedicated 20 amp line and have tried the m900 direct to outlet and to isotek Aquarius evo 3. I don’t have other speaker cables at this time to try, but I had kinda similar results with my msb discrete/c900/m900/confidence 30/all cardas clear reflection cables and clear beyond power cables.
Somewhat flat and dynamically lacking results most of the time, unless I crank up the bass and subs. I’ve heard these speakers light up with Pass Labs (no subs and no tone) so I’m on the hunt for an X 350.8; the C900 preamp is insane tho and I’ll be hanging on to that.
I don’t have the patience ( I’m a lousy audiophile I guess) to mess around trying many other speaker cables and tweaks, the synergy is either there or not. Pity because I do hear great things from this amp in other areas but overall the pass is a significantly better amp to these ears on these speakers and with my probably crappy room acoustics ( 35 x 35 x 8 carpeted room).
It’s all learning and some frustration but all good nonetheless.Peace be with you.
I forgot to put some context around this; I’m somewhat of a bass freak and prefer the tactile impact 🆚 just hearing things. Not to say the m900 has no balls, and the pass all balls, but rather they meet somewhere along the continuum. The M900 has breathtaking, mind bending purity and extension from midrange on to top end...so much I often can’t believe that electronic “anything” is responsible for the sound I’m hearing. The Dynaudio Confidence 50 is in this relationship too so at least that aspect is phenomenal...but the Pass amps seem to render more of what resonates with me.
This thing we are a passionate part of, if I may, is so very personal, and that is why I believe there is no absolute sound; merely only preferences; in the end, and along the way.
IOW, our uniqueness IS the primary component on this quest.
thanks man. Today is a new day, lol; I'll probably be playing around with the M-900 and power cords more; Sometimes the stars align and the system sounds fabulous; Maybe since everyone is home the local power grid is nasty; It almost seems like the M-900 is current starved, so I wonder if I am suffering from a poor power factor.
The 1250VA transformer is massive and the power output stage is designed to deliver prodigious current into very low impedance, so from an electrical design perspective, on paper, the amp has 'the sauce'. My speaker cables are Transparent Audio Super Speaker Gen 5 and are somewhat known for lighting fast dynamics and great bass performance.
As a side note, my former Luxman 509X had zero issues pumping an energetic signal to my (then) Dynaudio Contour 60's;  That was a phenomenal configuration!

+1 on triode wire labs obsession. My system powered by 4 of them. They bested (in my system) such cables as shunyata sigma HC,cardas clear beyond, zen wave audio, wireworld platinum and some others. Great power cables. You should try them with luxman m-900 before going with different amplifier. I don't think you be able to find upper and mid level refinements and purity going with pass class a/b like 350.8 or 260.8. You have to step into pass xa-160.8 territory or even xs-150 to bit luxman 900 combo.