Audio discounts during Coronavirus

Wondering if there are any great sales going on as a result of the coronavirus. If so can anyone elaborate as to who is offering any discounts? 

Interesting. So just to clarify, you're looking for good deals not to score anything you really want that now is on sale, and not even to find a good deal for seasonal or inventory reasons, but specifically as a result of the CCP virus. Because I know of some really good deals, but would have to call and ask if its due to the CCP virus. Would you like me to find out and get back to you? Would you not buy if its on sale for any other reason? Or are you really seriously looking to buy something simply because it is on sale? Can you elaborate?
I think the OP was wondering if sales are slow because of the world wide virus, so is asking if anyone noticed any exceptional sales as a result that would make it tempting to upgrade or add to his system now.