Best speaker cables for under 500$ (Euros)

Hello guys,

I was never into expensive cables as I’ve always found the money were better spent into the electronics themselves or room treatment. However, I would like your recommendations on the best available speaker cables for that budget to connect my Pass Labs X250.5 to the Usher Be-10 speakers.
I guess they are all broken in now?  They continue to amaze me on a daily basis as I use them in both of my systems.  I feel it is one of the greatest bargains in cables today.  
Thanks for your inputs. Really difficult to listen to as there are not too many in my area for testing. Will look into the ones you guys specified.
Whatever you decide, this is definitely an item to purchase used.  Low risk on some hidden damage or abuse and you will get 1/2 off new pretty easily.  
I agree with 3 payments about buying used. That stated, I would recommend "cerious" brand speaker cables if you can find them. 
WireWorld Series 7 are outstanding value now that people are upgrading to Series 8