Mark Levinson 39 Drawer problem

I have a problem with my ML 39: It seems that the drawer is not communicating with the main unit. The loading drawer does not open or close, the display states "Drawer" or "opening" or "closing" before "Stopped!"
I checked the internal connections between drawer and main board and also looked for obvious issues on the drawer unit.
I do not have a service manual...

Thanks for all feedback

I will keep you posted. My other unit is a 31.5 so I have means to listen to good music right now...
👍 ML 31.5, eh, such a lucky person!
And thanks again for your positive feedbacks. 
Update (as promised): Long story short: The 39 works again! I had several issues to deal with. First, I fixed a bad solder point with the result that the drawer started working (open and close). Then I had to deal with the non-spinning disk problem: There was a bad connection between the mainboard and the D/A board. Interesting enough, without connecting the D/A board, the CD would not spin. 
After a thorough cleaning and full assembly I tested the unit today on my system. Works great!

Bummer! I was hoping to get it off you cheap.

Good work with the perseverance, you got a killer R2R Multibit using 4 x PCM1704k (best ones ever) + PMD100 HDCD filter chip.
And with direct to amp digital volume control, it uses an output stage that would put many preamps to shame. 

Stereophile on the ML39
The ’39 really came into its own when I took the preamp out of the system and started using the variable output, digital switching, and digital processing.
You think your preamp is transparent? You’re probably wrong. I knew this, of course. Not even the best of ’em. So I was stunned by how good the ’39 sounded going straight in. It was fast and clean—and more. More depth, more dynamics, more detail, more air...
"Summing up, these measurements indicate the No.39 to be a superbly engineered design. Digital doesn’t get much better than this!"—John Atkinson

Just remember though, if that digital domain volume control is below <75% of maximum then you are going to start "bit stripping" (lowering the resolution)
If this is the case then install a passive preamp between the ML39 and the amp and adjust it’s volume and leave it, so the ML39’s remote digital volume control is then used at or above 75%.
This is what Wadia also found, that digital volume controls while fantastic have this flaw of "bit stripping" that’s why you’ll find opposition to going direct to amp, they just don’t know, or like the coloration’s/distortions preamps give.
Wadia did similar to ML but gave a fix if the volume was too low in their highend cd/dacs, inside using pins to set the output for different voltage gains, so their digital volume is used above 75% so there’s no chance of "bit stripping", here is Wadia’s instructions for it

Cheers George
Heia, good one!
"Was lange währt, wird endlich gut!"
Thanks for your feedback Jim.
Impressed by your skilled handy work, I may say? 😉
@george... There is a difference in the volume control of the WADIA (had one in my system also a short while) and the Levinson, if you don't mind me mentioning. 
The Levinson does NOT use bit-stripping to reduce volume but rather uses the analogue way implementation as used in their preamps, multi resistor controled step by 0.1 db step. By far more expensive/elaborate solution to prevent bit-stripping. 
I'm sure J. Atkinson has mentioned that in your quoted Stereophile article...?!? 
However, and despite this, going through their preamps, it somehow still sounds better as he'd also mentioned... he actually belaboured just this point at some length, as I recall. 
I personally can confirm this listening experience, also having had the ML39/390S used as pre-amp only - and only quite some time later added ML preamps... when adding analogue / vinyl playback. 
But as always... YMMV 😊