Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
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What I can share from own experience is that with Magico there is certainly a magic sound I enjoyed a lot. I used to have until recently the S5 MK1 and I loved them. After many years of joy some time ago they replaced my beloved JM Lab Mezzo Utopia and this was an incredible upgrade for me. Their sound was so detailed, with such an extension in the bass that gave me pure pleasure to go again and again through my recordings and rediscover them.What I enjoyed the most was the air in their sound, but in the same time very solid bottom, just underlining the choreographic images. Apparently, I changed them recently with the times more expensive YG Anat III professional, which are again very different in sound and stage. Lots of advantages, although I had to upgrade DAC, streamer and speaker cables with much more expensive stuff in order to get good results. The main advantage for me is that whatever I play now, sounds just great and very enjoyable regardless the volume level. However, I am still missing that very special transparent sound, somehow floating in the air. This actually the reason I found very valid this topic. It is Magico vs the world :)
Poor Value, butte ugly but one of the best sounding dynamic speakers out there if that is your cup of tea. I prefer Sonus Faber. Much better value, beautifully made, sound just as good. Wilson is a running joke in this family. 
The only audio shows I've been to have been TAVES (Toronto Audio Video Show), and Montreal's Son & L'Image. Toronto 4 times, Montreal, 3.
I've been to countless high end stores across Canada, and the Northern US.
Magico is consistently some of the best music makers I've ever heard.
Like Erik, I'm a speaker designer/builder. Magico is the 'goal'. Can I build a speaker which rivals Magico. I can give them no higher praise.