The bass is the place...

Seems like that most speaker manufacturer’s are able to deliver a speaker that can, and mostly does, a reasonable job in the highs and the mids, BUT the bass is where so many fall down! This is also what most manufacturers ask big money for...the more bass capability the higher the asking price. So, we are left with, at least IMHO, most speakers that really cannot produce accurate and extended bass with any real precision. Your thoughts? Why is the bass the place?

And, our hearing sensitivity significantly drops off at lower frequencies. To sound as "loud" as higher ones, bass must be played at higher SPL than almost all woofers and subs are capable of producing (the lone exception being the Eminent Technology TWR-17 Rotary Woofer).

I have long found reproduced music to lack the weight and visceral physicality of live. At live shows, we feel the music, not just hear it. It's a full body experience, not merely an aural one. Of course, we have to temper our expectations, as recreating a symphony orchestra in one's living room is "sort of" impractical.

Yup the extra work needed to produce bass coupled with how our ears work makes for a double whammy.  

Not that there's anything wrong with the technical discussion, Fletcher-Munson, power, any of that, but curious to know which of you guys has actual experience with a DBA? 

I mean actual, you know, experience?
I am loving my brief but actual experience!
Works incredibly well in a 10' x 14' office room!
Tried 1, then 2 subs. Couldn't get the muddiness out of the sound until subs 1 through 4 rang through clear as a bell!
Millercarbon and Atmasphere said it all much more eloquently than I could. I will only add that getting the bass right is about 30% of the speaker conquest according to dr Toole. Also it’s not very easy even with four subs. One still has to put in some diligence to really get it right. You will need some parametric EQ and some room acoustic even if minimally. But as they said, there is no other way, especially if you want to widen the sweet spot.   Good news is, when you do get it right, it’s heaven.  There is a wealth of literature on the subject on the Web. Good luck.