Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

My Ayre is an integrated, no mono button. But I can use Roon to mix to mono (I did this extensively when comparing crossover mods). Why do you ask?
@beetlemania @tomthiel

I was thinking of a way to test the different connections at the same time, but is sounds like you used a simular method 
when building your crossovers .
But the more I think about it listening in mono might have limited 
value since much of difference or improvement is in the soundstageing, dimensionality and clarity .

Tom ,
I apologize I misunderstood  ,
You and beetle are in a unique situation having 2 sets of the same cable ,
bi-wired speakers or not the separation of the pos/neg in the same cable I believe is an improvement in sound quality .



But the more I think about it listening in mono might have limited
value since much of difference or improvement is in the soundstageing, dimensionality and clarity
Adding the Cardas hookup wire and binding posts was my last change. As with my other mods, I did one channel and let it burn in ~200 hours then compared in mono using the same 15 or so reference tracks. I sent my listening notes to Tom and proceeded to perform the Cardas upgrade on the other channel. When I listened in stereo, a *big* smile formed organically on my face. 
I haven't made such an experiment of comparing separated cables compared to those of close proximity.
 It's interesting that so many manufacturer's use close proximity for their speaker cables, whether they use twisted, braided, co-axially, compressed or layered approaches as in Jim Thiel's later preferred Goertz Alpha-Cores; that probably have the maximum close proximity possible.

Think of consumers having 2 cables going to thier speakers ,
imagine manufactures trying to sell you 2 cables per speaker ,
let alone the increase in cost .

My freind came over with Shunyata Balck Momba speaker cables ,
2 per speaker and only 16awg , they had a very thick outer shield making them almost imposible to bend , BUT what a sound improvement . Was it the shielding or the separation ?

I couldn't afford to upgrade and buying another set of the same cables was still more expensive than making my own cables .
So using a single run of Cardas 9.5 chassis wire for each polarity was the an affordable option . 
I heard an improvement and passed it on as something for others to try.
As for shielding ? 

When I opened my speakers and found the wiring inside to be
side by side like lamp cord I seperated them and heard an improvement.

I'm still waiting to hear from Rob G on why my or all 2.7s have this wiring instead of the straight wire that was standard in all other Thiels .