Fried Monitor 7 Opinions

I've got a chance to pick up some of these, and am wondering how they might compare to the Vandersteen 2C, 2Ci or 3's I already have....I have other speakers too...maybe I should post more of them here:
AR9 originals
Infinity Crescendo 3009

THX 4 your time.
They are good speakers with quality drivers they don't sound like vandys not as warm, but I have one question. What on earth do you need another pair of speakers for?
I've ALWAYS found the Frieds to be incredibly musical speakers. They'll probably have a little more of a British sound than the Vandersteens, with a tad bit more mid range, at least more 'forward' in the mids. But not at all unpleasant of a color.

Good luck.

Agreed Mechans...that's not all of them either... :)
I like to experiment with speakers. May keep a pair a month or years. The 3009's are gone. Nice speaker but needs a large room. Luckily the guy I sold them to is putting them in his restaraunt so I can hear them anytime.

My opportunity to get A/6's was lost (less than $300) as the guy emailed me but without a phone # or address, like the Stealth Responder'. But, the guy with Monitor 7's still has them I'm pretty sure...I'll email him again...
I've been a Fried fan for many years and have always been a proponent of transmission line loading and 1st order series crossovers.

If you can pick up the Monitor 7 at the right price, you won't be disappointed. Very open and detailed but with a slightly warmer tonal balance than previous Fried models. I attribute this to their use of the ring radiator tweeter rather than the 3/4" soft-dome Hiquphon Bud was so fond of.

Fried Products is pretty much out of business so I wouldn't pay any more than 1/2 the original retail price and at that, you'll be getting a very nice speaker you should be able to live with long term.