Where’s My Weakest Link?

Hi All,

I often find myself wondering where to put resources (money) to take my system to the next level. Over the years I have slowly acquired equipment and sometimes I am impressed with the “upgrade”, others I am disappointed with the change/cost ratio. I recently purchased Jim Smiths book, Get Better Sound and was blown away with the changes I was able to make with what I have but I am now back at crossroads of , whats next?

I am running a Bluesound Node 2i> Carver C-16 pre> Conrad Johnson Sonographe SA250> Thiel 1.2.

So what do you think the weakest link is / whats the smartest upgrade?

Thanks in advance!

If you like the sound now, perhaps there is no weakest link.

If you're trying to improve the sound in one or more specific areas, then the indicated component(s) to change may well vary, according to those areas.

There is no one size fits all.

(Wasn't there a thread a year ago about the problematics of how to identify the "weakest link"?)

There is always a weakest link. The problem is the links are molecules, and run from the wire on the other side of the drop line ahead of the breaker panel to the air on the other side of the speaker cone, to the walls that contain the air and even beyond that. That’s a lot of links!
I obviously have interconnects but they are generic, couldn't even give you a brand. Monster speaker wire. And lets consider the rest “generic” due to a lack of knowledge. Do you find that changing one of these items can improve a system more than improving what I listed?

Yes. Totally. Without a doubt. 

The three most satisfying systems I ever heard (besides my own current one) https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 were all budget systems done for $1200 to $2500. The budget on each of those included as much for wire as for speakers. Nobody gets it because nobody does it but I have- you put equal parts of money into each part of the system because every single part of the system matters just as much as every other part. So for that one simple misapprehension they run around changing the components everyone else is telling them matters, never getting there. Because they miss out on what really matters, which is everything.

The importance of wire was proven to me years ago. First with a dealer who I was friends with and let me home audition all kinds of stuff I could never afford, and try out even more stuff at his place. One time I come over and he plays some music on what looked like the same system as last time. Only now it sounds insanely better. WTF? He changed the speaker cables, interconnects, power cords, and conditioner. He then tells me these things, basically all just wire, cost TWICE as much as the speakers, amp and source- together!

So when I put those budget systems together I allocate equal amounts for wire as speakers, amp, and source. Knowing what I have learned since I now also allocate equal amounts for what I call tweaks and accessories. So a $5k system is $1k each for speakers, amp, source, wire, tweaks.

This right here puts most audiophools into a seizure. Yet it is conservative. Could easily put twice into wire. Its been demonstrated. Proven. Not conjecture. Fact. Not theory. 

**This is not meant to be taken literally! You cannot simply throw money at the problem. It is assumed you will take the time to do the research and audition and select the best performance value for the money.**

But I don't mean to focus on wire. Look at my first post. Look up everything on the list. TC, HFT, ECT, etc. Only putting so much emphasis on wire because you said Monster, which is basically zip cord and totally the weak link in your system, which is what you asked to know.


As others have pointed out, replace the aging electronics before you spend your money on anything else. Above all, take notes from all the advise here, summarize, research and make your next purchase.

The node 2i is a good budget streamer, it’s performance can be improved by upgrading to better Ethernet / power cord and finally an outboard DAC....this should be your last step after you address the preamp/amp and rest of the cabling in your system. Also look at room acoustics panels from GIK.

Stick with basics before you go crazy with rest of the tweaks.