Lazarus28 - You know, if you look at what I wrote, I don't believe that I claimed to know all the nuances of each player. That would be an arrogant statement. But, and here's the thing: YES, I did reach a definitive conclusion last Saturday, in the context of a particular system, between the three players.
It seems to me that without the ability to reach conclusions about what you are hearing, why would anyone bother with this hobby?
Before I opened my own wallet, I would want to listen to these players again in different systems. And if it were possible to borrow each player for a month and listen to it in my own system, that would be great. But listening even for a hour to these players is still better, in my opinion, than buying the unit without *ever* having heard it.
I made a judgment about what I heard on a particular day. If your point is that I may have reached a different conclusion about particular aspects of each of these players had I the opportunity to listen to each for a couple of months and been able to try and switch out the associated components, well o.k., I wouldn't disagree with that.
Tom has done a good job defending his modified DV-50; I wanted to step up for the Modwright unit. I would encourage anyone interested in obtaining a new CD/SACD player to try and audition the Modwright, however you go about it.
- Eric