Turntable and Arm Combination in 5K range (maximum)

I have a new Dynavector TKR cartridge and it simply amazes me.  In the spirit of being further amazed, I am thinking about a turntable and tonearm change.  Currently I use a Hanss T-20 table with an Origin Live Illustrious tonearm.  The TKR seems to be happy with this tandem, but suggestions from analog gurus on other things to consider -- either new or used -- would be greatly appreciated.  I listen almost exclusively to classical, and have a collection of about 1500 classical records.  My tastes lean toward quick, dynamic, and wide soundstage, as I do listen to a lot of chamber music and solo piano (I am a hack classical pianist as well).  I find recordings of piano music to be particularly demanding of my system, which is Sanders 10 planars and a mix of ARC tube and solid state amplifiers.  When you get good vinyl, it is stunning.     Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xscottwsmith
If you're open to used, it doesn't get much better than this.

It even comes with a great cart. This seller is offering a good deal. Ignore any VPI bashing.

For added speed accuracy, use your $1200 stimulus check for the ADS

Assuming you have a phono stage up to the task, you will have a VERY nice setup for minimum expense.

Also be aware those prices are NEGOTIABLE. You may be able to score them for LE$$.

Excellent time to buy pricey gear.
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions, certainly open to more but I will pursue some of these.  The Reed tonearm looks really nice but above my budget unless discounts and/or package dials are available..  Denon DP-80 reference didn't get me much except to a forum with little activity.  Don't know what to think of the HRX, it does seem like a decent deal.  I located another with the rim drive option, but it is higher.  That is a very LARGE table.  How would the arm mate with my TKR?  MijoStyn2, who will answer when I call the number you gave me, re: the Sota?
For piano music a direct drive turntable like the Technics 1200G would be something to consider.  The sound is certainly quick and dynamic!
Is your OL Illustrious tonearm a recent MK3C?  Properly set up I was able to use mine with excellent results on a OL Resolution mk3-2 with their speed control (LSC) upgrade.  I used a Ortofon Windfeld Ti, Kiseki Purpleheart, and Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum. The arm is now moved to a dual arm OL Sovereign paired with the Enterprise C arm. Your arm takes a little attention to detail, as all do, to perform at a high level but you may be shortchanging yourself expecting to better its performance as well as acquiring a different TT in the price range you are targeting.