I've got two toddlers. If there's a way to move your audio system into a different room, I suggest you do. There's no controlling little ones when they're just starting to move around--they are just too young to understand right/wrong/discipline.
Short of that, the idea of installing a gate in front of the entire audio system seems reasonable, but know that there will be bouts of upset as you contend with the toddler reality of wanting everything in sight that they cannot have.
I've got two toddlers. If there's a way to move your audio system into a different room, I suggest you do. There's no controlling little ones when they're just starting to move around--they are just too young to understand right/wrong/discipline.
Short of that, the idea of installing a gate in front of the entire audio system seems reasonable, but know that there will be bouts of upset as you contend with the toddler reality of wanting everything in sight that they cannot have.