Hey Peter, if that was the time we heard them at the show, they were in a room not much larger than your room. At the two shows I've heard his room at he used an asymmetrical corner setup to offset having to utilize those horrible little hotel rooms at the shows. I agree, both times I've heard it his room always sounds very enjoyable and engaging. I also agree on the narrow sweet spot, but wonder how much of that was in the limitation of the corner setup, and if that might be widened in a larger room with a more traditional placement. I'd have to say that even outside the sweet spot the music was quite enjoyable, even without the cohesive soundstaging from being offset to one side or too far back. I've also heard Peter's 20.1's throughout his evolution with them, which included multiple choices of bi-amping, Mye stands, and external crossovers. Peter could certainly speak to the benefits and pitfalls of all of that, but ultimately they were very demanding speakers and sounded best with lots of power. OTOH, Sanders has only had one of his amps running each speaker the two times I've heard them and they sounded outstanding with lots of various source material. It would occur to me that they didn't require quite so much as Peter needed to throw the Maggies' way. Either way, you are right, it is a win-win situation - both sound outstanding. The Maggie's certainly seem quite a bit larger though (wider, not taller), and definitely need space to breath.