Correct the child ,if they do something wrong ,it’s not rocket science .
in mybaby boomer generation.
you are not taught any of this liberal BS
about if it may hurt your feelings ,yes or no ,youjust have to be persistent if thst means raising your voice , or a talon the hand so be it get the message across.
i trained my kids,as well as cats and dogs none of them go behind the stereo ,all will sit on the couch and listen and enjoy the music .being consistent is the key ,
in mybaby boomer generation.
you are not taught any of this liberal BS
about if it may hurt your feelings ,yes or no ,youjust have to be persistent if thst means raising your voice , or a talon the hand so be it get the message across.
i trained my kids,as well as cats and dogs none of them go behind the stereo ,all will sit on the couch and listen and enjoy the music .being consistent is the key ,