Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?

My sammle moved not only up an down but also sidewards.
The reason as far as I can judge is the pin on the screw
which connect the inner and the outer collar. The inner collar
slides along this pin up and down but if there is
any play between this pin and the notch of the inner collar
the tonearm will move also sidewards. This means that the
'replica' is not as 'exact' as claimed by the producer.
I assume that this screw is better made by the orginal B-60 .
''To change VTA for every record would require to be a 'B type''.
But except for some weird masochist this make no sense.
The most records are 170g which means the same thickness.
Our ''initial conditions'' were parallel position of the arm in relation
to the record surface. There is then no need to change the VTA. 
By 180 g. records one would need to increase the VTA for, say,
1mm . I am not aware of other record thickness so some ''rule''
for ''all records'' does not exist.
If I was more brave I would say to my Professor: ''I am sorry but
 your question is not clear''. My experience is that most people
(including some Professors) have no idea what ''all'' means.
So how can they use this so called ''quantifier'' which function is 
to express generality in correct way ? ''All'',''most'', ''some'' are not
names which function as reference or denoting. ''Someone has
stolen my car'' express the assumption that ''there is a person
such...'' etc. That is why this quantor is called ''existential''. It
assumes existence of some person who has stolen my car. But
 if I forget where I parked my car or was drunk the assumption 
can't be true. 
I realize this is an old thread....
availability of replica B-60’s?
I am in the market for one.
thank you
My dear ''other Slavic brother'' (from Canada). Probably because of my age and income I overlooked the obvious. 20 carts cost, say ,
+$ 20K. Adjusting the VTA for each LP is for free. Big difference
I woud think. 
dronepunk, Check eBay and the various sites where audiophile gear is for sale.  Also check "Hi-Fi Shark".  On that site, they collect "for sale" data from all other sites.  I am confident you can eventually find what you are looking for.
Friends, we are all in the older age group, except Chakster.  Please wear gloves and masks when you are in a public place, and wash hands, and stay well.  Chakster, too.  I am a physician and a virologist.  This virus scares me.
I hope I am not using my age to often as excuse? But because
of my age I forget to mention chakster suggestion to squeeze this
damn screw with a pair of tongs. The material of which this screw
is made is not steel but some softer material. So one can ''extend''
the diameter of this screw by (careful) squeezing force and repeat the trial till the screw fits the distance  to the wrench.