Hunt for new floor standers

Having sold my speakers, I’m in the hunt for a new pair of floor standers. I’m stepping up my game from the PSB Silver i’s that I had for years. I’d be interested in hearing from fellow Audiogoners about their suggestions for 2 channel, audio only towers. I’d like good bass response and prefer not to invest in a sub. Having said that, high end clarity is a must as well. Currently I’m using a tubed Rogue Super Magnum 99 preamp and a SS Belles 150A Hot Rod amp. In short time I may opt out of the Belles amp but for now it’s stays. I’ve auditioned the KEF R700 and the Sonus Faber Chameleons and liked them both but I’m not sure how either would play with my rig. My budget allows for mid $2K max and I’m OK with used equipment that’s been well taken care of. Insightful input is appreciated.
Thanks to everyone who spent the time to respond to my post. After being without speakers for 2 months and looking at a long self-imposed stay at home protocol, I pulled the trigger and bought a pair of Monitor Silver 500's. I'm sure I'll be happy with them. I learned a lot about the current speaker market and how much it has changed since the last  time I was looking. The choices are astounding and once I began the search process, I fell into a rabbit hole of details. There are a lot of well received choices out there these days. In the end I chose the Monitors because I was hard pressed to find anything really bad about them and they  are said to have good bass response which was a criterium for me. This was the first time I bought audio equipment without an audition; in part to my location but more directly because of the COVID19 pandemic with related closures of non essential businesses and the shelter in place protocol. I'll come back here with a review of my initial response to them. To all, thanks again.

@axspike , not sure how you fell into a rabbit hole with only 40 different, excellent choices provided in this one thread, lol!  
It’s actually pretty awesome how many great choices were suggested...

Anyhow, you’ll probably love the Monitors!  Really cool speakers.  Well built, nice drivers (bolted to the back of the cab, which is cool / unique), sound nice, and look great.  I don’t see how you won’t be pleased :-) I loved my Gold 50’s!

They should sound great with your front end, which is very nice by the way( don’t sell that amp!).

Happy Listening!

b_limo- Thanks for the input. I narrowed the field down to the Monitors, Tannoy xt8f and the Fyne 502. The list could have gone on but I had to make a decision. It was frustrating not being able to audition any of the many choices everyone suggested. Hearing from Monitor owners such as yourself gives me additional peace of mind in advance of their arrival.
Thanks again.