Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
I really like the Harbeth 40.2, but they are so different vs. the Magico speakers I own that the comparison is meaningless.

In my own two systems I have the M3's and the Q3's.  They are famous for being neutral - very little, if anything, added to the ultimate sound. I thought the Q3 was the best speaker I ever heard in it's price range - until I bought the M3's.

I've listened to nearly all the current models of Magico speakers at trade shows and I like them all - for different reasons and applications. But, they are expensive. A used pair of any Magico, in good condition, might be an affordable option.
Well sorry to join the "not my cuppa" mob but I tend to agree on the Magico "sound"frankly, beautiful finish, top flight marketing obviously making the Owner lots of dosh! I've heard them in numerous settings from the First launch at CES-sadly my impressions remain the same to this day--rather brittle ,dry and I find them fatiguing especially on Digital material and heaven only knows why they present with a server or digital demo to prospective customers-beats me.

No its a brave attempt at a seemingly superior Transducer-but fails in my view. There are far better choices for the prices Magico demand today.

I'd suggest Vandersteen 5a Carbons, Tidal Diaceras,Big Verity's-and a
Plethora of others for consideration  if box speakers are your quest.

Sorry Magico-like I said "not my cuppa"--well in my room anyway .



“There are far better choices for the prices Magico demand today.”

I couldn’t agree with you anymore! 
I went to hear the Magico A3 with the intention to purchase them based on all the glowing reviews. When I first heard them I thought, aha, now this sounds nice, but after a few minutes I noticed it to be a little cold/sterile sounding. They were being demoed with Ayre equipment. I ended up buying the Focal Sopra 2’s. I liked the sound better.


Very rarely a reviewer will comment on two speakers like that. The mid-bass on the Focal is elevated, the tweeters are raspy, and there is no low bass (and that is all verified with measurements). Some, of course, will prefer that kind of sound.