Need help picking a streaming integrated amp

Need some help. I’m helping a nephew purchase his first real system. He already has good ProAc speakers so I need an all in one integrated amp that costs no more than 3k. It has to stream Tidal etc and be able to accept a phono amp. The Naim Unity Atom appears to fully fit the bill with its 40watts that are supposed to able to handle most speakers. He has a small living room. Of course he’d like tubes but I personally don’t know what streaming options are available for a non built streamer.. He’s very tech savvy. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
If he is willing to accept an outboard phono preamp, why the big necessity for built-in streaming on the integrated amp itself? You can get a Raspberry Pi board with a DAC or digital out board for $100, give or take a bit, that has a footprint the size of a deck of cards and has great sound. That would certainly open up the range of options for the amp, certainly if he'd like tubes.
The only necessity is that I’m not tech smart enough to discuss your suggestion. However he could figure it out easily.