Kana, although it was the EMM modification of the Phillips sacd 1000 with the DAC6 which I had, I did do the comparison you suggest with both the Allen Wright Level 4 Sony CDP3000 and the Exemplar 2900, not the much better Exemplar 3910.
Initially, I was very happy with the EMM, but when the Allen Wright unit came in, it was very difficult to identify which unit was playing. Given that my investment in the Sony was much less, I placed the EMM on Audiogon and sold it immediately, ironically to a moder.
When the Exemplar without the Siltech wiring came in, I was shocked at how much it had improved over the earlier version. It was more dynamic and quieter with an exceptional soundstage. Especially on redbook, it outperformed the Allen Wright unit, which again sold quickly.
Later, the Exemplar was very greatly improved using Siltech connection wire. Later still I got the Exemplar 3910 which was greatly superior to the 2900, especially playing sacds.
I never had the Meitner transport, but it has to be more satisfying than the troublesome Phillips. I doubt, however, whether it helps the overall sound of the EMM enough to close the gap with the best modified units, either in sound or prices.
I have not had the Reimyo CDP777 in my system, but others tell me it is exceptional with it special K2 chip. Were money of no concern, I would buy the Reimyo just to play my cds.