Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
I went to hear the Magico A3 with the intention to purchase them based on all the glowing reviews. When I first heard them I thought, aha, now this sounds nice, but after a few minutes I noticed it to be a little cold/sterile sounding. They were being demoed with Ayre equipment. I ended up buying the Focal Sopra 2’s. I liked the sound better.


Very rarely a reviewer will comment on two speakers like that. The mid-bass on the Focal is elevated, the tweeters are raspy, and there is no low bass (and that is all verified with measurements). Some, of course, will prefer that kind of sound.

MAGICO is the number 1 in sales A3s sold now over 900 pairs because they don't sound good.Lets bad rap #1.If MAGICOS do not have great sounding preamp.amp,cd player they will not sound the best Ayre is a very bad match.
@skyscraper Sorry for the delay. My Magico A3s are on a all digital system of streaming or CD. Here is the system:
Power: 20amp dedicated line from the breaker box > Shunyata PS8 with Defender and Greenwave EMI filter > PS Audio PowerPlant P12.
Integrated amp in cold months: PrimaLuna
Dialogue Premium HP
Preamp is warmer months: Pass Labs XP-20 with Revelation Audio Labs power connection cable, with Amps: Benchmark AHB2 monoblocks, First Watt SIT-3 or M-2.
Sources: InnuOS Zenith Mk3 w/Innuos Phoenix running Roon Core w/Squeezelite.
DACs: a variety which I switch in and out - Chord M Scaler with Chord Quetest (w/SBooster power), PS Audio DirectStream DAC or Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ w/SBooster. CD: PS Audio DS MemoryPlayer with I2S connection to DS DAC.
Internet: Eero Pro to SOtM switch
Ethernet cables are DH Labs Reunion
Interconnects: Shunyata Delta
Power Cables: Almost all Shunyata Deltas NR except for Delta EFs on the Benchmark amps due to space constraints for the plugs.USB cables: Shunyata Venom
Speaker cables: Shunyata Delta
Speakers: Magico A3

I know. It’s a disease.
