How long do you think it will take

for new and used sales prices of components made in China to collapse because nobody wants them? To judge by the level of denial I'm thinking by the end of the year. But curious to know if people think it might come even sooner than that?
I read recently that Apple wanted to place some new plant outside of China but the Chinese warned them off by threatening to forbid iPhone sales within China.  They did the same with Samsung and now one cannot buy the Galaxy smartphone  within China.

The NBA loves endorsement money from Nike. There are 800,000,000 NBA basketball fans in China. Chinese basketball fans love Nike basketball shoes. What will Nike and the NBA's position be regarding China now? 

Many companies were already in varying stages of moving production due to the tariffs and chinas clampdown on foreign companies during that period. Due to the virus many more are quickly trying to move some or all production. Seems having all your eggs in one basket means issues that stop production of parts or whole goods shuts down product to sell or use in production. Many companies are looking to spread production around more, though I’m sure this will affect costs and eventually that will reflect in final pricing at some point. Also the just in time way of supplying goods and components is being rethought by some as well. Lots of things will change for some. I’m sure a lot will leave things as they currently are also. As far as buying audio from China I fail to understand the reasoning for that thought from the op. I’m not upset with the Chinese because that’s where a virus started, assuming there’s no truth to the idea it came from a lab there. Their worst crime is the obvious and grossly under reporting of cases. I knew they were when I read about the numbers, and I don’t think I’m that much smarter than the worlds governments. The news outlets were speculating on it the whole time. 

The Chinese have been actively obstructing the CDC and Academic researchers from having free access in Wuhan to investigate the whys and the hows, not to mention trying to pin the blame on the U.S. Military.  I think that people could be more forgiving towards them if they acknowledge that yes it started there and helped be part of the solution.  Add in the fact that they control the supply chain issues resulting in failure to have PPE, and there may be some long lived anti Chinese sentiment.