Non-transferable warranties?

Recently I considered buying a previously owned Schiit dac only to discover (directly from Schiit) that their product warranties are non-transferable. This was surprising and disappointing as the policy compromises resale and resale value.

Is anyone aware of other audio companies whose warranties are non-transferable?

I recently had to get service on my Bryston BDP-2. Not only was I at least the third owner, but my unit was slightly outside the warranty window. They fixed it for no charge including return shipping. I've owned a number of Bryston pieces over the years and they have been more reliable than average and Bryston has consistently offered exceptional service and support. 
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Automobile warranties are only transferrable because DOT rules require automobiles to be tracked by VIN, not by name. It's not out of inherent goodness on the part of auto manufacturers.

Purchased a used set of Hifiman HE1000v2 headphones here on Audiogon 4 months ago in like new condition, about 6 weeks ago the female cable receiver in one ear cup went bad so I contacted their customer service and worked out a replacement set of headphones for $350.00 + $30.00 shipping but could not satisfy the original receipt requested by them, after getting a hold of the seller and forwarding Hifiman his info, they concluded that he had purchased the v1 model and traded up to the v2s in June of 2017 and that they would replace my phones free of charge. I wasn't even thinking warranty when I contacted them but thanks to them I am enjoying a brand new set of HE1000v2s today. Thank you Hifiman.