Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?

I want to start building a swarm (starting with 2 subs), on a budget.  Starting with $1000, am I better off buying two used powered subs, three less expensive used powered subs, or a subwoofer amp (eg Dayton SA1000) and two (less expensive) used unpowered subs?  What is the advantage of having a discrete subwoofer amp?  Room size is 13'x22'. 
ieales"why would I lie? I’m not selling anything."

Accusing someone of deception, lies, and/or misrepresentation, deceit or even fraud is a common argumentative technique used frequently in politics but also frequently used, exerted, and applied hear by those who lack facts, understanding, and knowledge by accusing some one of lies it makes it easier to dismiss, reject, and disqualify they’re claims, statements, and representations and then when the insult is over they demand specific research, studies, or data from you it is all to put you on the defensive and conceal they’re own ignorance, misunderstanding, and immaturity these people are best ignored.

It is true that some people like "big bass" all around them thump thump thump so "swarm" or "dba" is good for them the more drivers and the bigger the better for them on the way to Perfect Sound Forever it is about BIG BASS not accuracy as has been shown, demonstrated, and revealed here because they don’t know what accuracy is they think all bass is omnidirectional and of course they can "prove" it with their monophonic bass systems!
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An ambient recording in one made in an acoustic space that is not treated do remove all reflections and does not have additional reverb added.

Like a pipe organ in a cathedral.
... Sound waves do not interact and sum ...
Actually, they can sum, and they can also subtract. Using out-of-phase signals, for example, is how active noise reducing headphones work. Phase is also part of why LF signals can be directional.
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