How long do you think it will take

for new and used sales prices of components made in China to collapse because nobody wants them? To judge by the level of denial I'm thinking by the end of the year. But curious to know if people think it might come even sooner than that?
Having respect for others and exhibiting good manners when interacting with people is a god thing not “political correctness”. These things have nothing to do with politics.  It’s a term people with political agendas toss around to justify bad behavior. 
nonoise ...

  • Frank, there are kids in high school who don’t fall for that crap anymore.
  • You need some new material.

What "crap" are you alluding to? Be specific, please.


Ozzy ...

Yes, it’s the old leftist "White Privilege" card, designed to keep people separate. Divide and conquer is their game. Divide society into separate groups, then convince each group that they are victims, at which time, the Marxists. err ... I mean the "Social Democrats" step in as the Man on the White Horse to save all. The only requirement is that they stay in power and you bend over and do as they say.

I just don’t understand how this new racism is better than the older racism?

We all should be very proud of our country, and protect it.
Those of you who spout political correctness NEED to be respectful of all contributions to our society.

And, yes, continue making America Great!

So the new racism against old white men is real, but the old racism is just perceived?  I don't know who said it, but "when somebody shows you who they are, that's who they are."  You just showed who you are.