Most of us here have held to the standard of, unless someone has experience with a certain product or, say a better power cable than stock, they can have no valid opinion on that topic. They are just mouthing terms handed down to them by a source they respect. How their source came by their opinion is another question we may be able to unravel--or not. We live in a time of "easy knowledge", information we can read without applying the discipline of referencing sources, and so we question our knowledge base; how do I know what I know, and, what can be known? From Wiki:
Epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge, justification, and the rationality of belief. Much debate in epistemology centers on four areas: (1) the
philosophical analysis of the nature of knowledge and how it relates to such concepts as
belief, and
[1][2] (2) various problems of
skepticism, (3) the sources and scope of knowledge and justified belief, and (4) the criteria for knowledge and justification. Epistemology addresses such questions as: "What makes justified beliefs justified?",
[3] "What does it mean to say that we know something?",
[4] and fundamentally "How do we know that we know?"
[5Before the censor police show up, let's apply these concepts to audio, please.