Older And Wiser or just Tighter and Deafer?

I’m 63. I’m not wealthy but I have a tolerant wife and I still love to pursue great sound. But I find myself increasingly reluctant to spend significant amounts on new gear. I know my hearing acuity is not as good as it used to be, but my love of music and good sound is not diminished. When considering a purchase, I find myself factoring in cost versus life expectancy (mine!) and auditory function. I’ll even have some guilt about spending my kid’s inheritance. Is something wrong with me?
Or you could buy a used copy of Jim Smith’s excellent book on getting better sound - about ten bucks... lot’s of low to no cost things to try IF you enjoy the journey....

I have my parents Mc tube gear a handed down treasure for sure
Welcome to team frugal.

At some point you realize how much of the hobby is purely for the joy of shopping and choose not to play.

I know my hearing acuity is not as good as it used to be, but my love of music and good sound is not diminished.

Seriously. No ones hearing acuity is as good as it used to be. Its pretty much all down hill from childhood on. Vision too. Everything, far as I can tell.

Something like 10 years ago I had a lot of chronic pain which unbeknownst to me the pain meds gradually over time triggered tinnitus. At first I thought it was problems with my system. Then when I figured out it was my own ears I was heartbroken. Took all the joy out of listening.

Because of this I went years watching movies but never listening to music. One time after this went on long enough I thought well if its not being used might as well sell it. You know the scene in Walk Hard, he’s doing drugs and all depraved things and wails out "This is a dark F-ing period!"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yCNghEwMw0 That was me. But first before listing maybe play a record just for old times sake.

That record sounded so good I was like who are you kidding? No way you’re selling this!

Also it turned out that after going off the pain meds long enough the tinnitus was nearly gone. Plus now knowing what it is when I do hear it I simply disregard it. Minor nuisance is all it is. This whole thing about hearing loss, at some point yes you can lose it. But look at all the world’s greatest recording and mastering engineers. Are any of them teenagers? Seems to me they gain with experience more than enough to offset whatever measured hearing loss they most certainly do have.

There’s undoubtedly people here who are much younger and have much better hearing, as determined by all kinds of objective measurements. Yet you read their comments, they can’t tell one direction from another, can’t hardly hear a thing as far as I can tell.

And so in the last year or two I have upgraded to a Koetsu, a Herron, a CTS and Euphoria, ECT, PHT, HFT, TC, Mats, Unfilters, modified power supplies, added a DBA, and probably half a dozen things I’m forgetting because my brain is deteriorating with age as well. You’re 63. Me too. In November.

My system sounds so staggeringly musical there is a pretty good chance no system anywhere is more engaging, unless its equally unfiltered as mine, and that’s code you won’t even know what it means because its so double plus secret nobody talks about it.

We just enjoy listening to it. You should too.

jdmccall, I am 73, and in spite of Tinnitus, and normal hearing loss, I still enjoy music, and my system. Some recent changes (upgrades) were quite noticeable and appreciated by my old ears.

I'm still trying to find a way to afford the amp I really want, but I'm at a frustrating impasse. High quality SET 845 amps don't come cheap.
