Older And Wiser or just Tighter and Deafer?

I’m 63. I’m not wealthy but I have a tolerant wife and I still love to pursue great sound. But I find myself increasingly reluctant to spend significant amounts on new gear. I know my hearing acuity is not as good as it used to be, but my love of music and good sound is not diminished. When considering a purchase, I find myself factoring in cost versus life expectancy (mine!) and auditory function. I’ll even have some guilt about spending my kid’s inheritance. Is something wrong with me?
I`m 62 and know exactly how you feel. With no audio stores within 50 miles , I wont buy expensive gear without hearing them. As a industrial journeyman electrician I refuse to pay $$ for fuses ( rip off ). But I still enjoy music , and want to support audio companies. 
My playback system improves as my hearing gets worse. At least I think that's the case.
aewarren, same here. The stranger thing is that when I tweak or upgrade the system, and then remember to listen with hearing aids, it gets better still. The upside of older and wiser is that we literally never know what we are missing. We ARE missing it (without it) in the literal sense, but NOT missing it (feeling deprived) in the emotional sense. So, all's well that ends well, eh?


@sgordon1 ....*S* Wonderful little video.....;)

Yes jdm, there Is an End....Ours. ;)

In the meanwhile, one shouldn’t stress over "...what should I do? "
As for the matter of inheritance, one leaves ’what it is’. Consider your spouse 1st, she’s put up with you longer (and likely more) than the kidz.

(Statistically, that’s how things usually shake out...bummer....)

Anyway....you’ve worked long and likely hard for whatever you’ve amassed. Indulge a bit....I’m not inferring that you pull a 2nd mortgage and go nutz, but feel free enough to scratch that itch ’enough’.

One can ’investigate’ what strikes ones’ curiosity without going postal over it. New, used, DIY....the options lay before you....

Go wondering around....*S*

Best of times, Jerry
(68, pushing 69....)
I’d say something is not quite right with you but I cannot know what this might be.

I'd say you're probably right.  And I don't know what it might be, either.  But I've got a few ideas.
I`m 62 and know exactly how you feel. With no audio stores within 50 miles , I wont buy expensive gear without hearing them.
I'm 100 miles south of KC.  That's the closest city that might have a few audio retailers left but I don't think there's much there.  I used to be able to see or hear something to get stoked about.  I miss that.  I think the last speakers I bought after an actual audition were B&W 703's in 2003 or 4.  I've been taking flyers since then.
I'll probably still be playing this game as long as health and finances allow...at least on some level.  Now if I was to go to an audio show, say RMAF or AXPONA.......oh my...the Mrs. better hide the check book and the credit cards.  Probably best I don't go,