What's your process for comparing new gear, cables, etc.?

It's a staple of many if not most posts to compare auditory experiences and attribute them to different factors — larger components (room, speaker, amp, dac, etc.) and the rest (speaker wire, cables, power) etc. This is how we choose new gear or compare what we already have.

Given the number of components and how short auditory sensory memory is, any comparison should change the fewest variables possible, as quickly as possible. (And auditory memory is short, even for simpler sounds. We compare using complex sounds and want to judge complex dynamic effect — soundstage, tonality at various frequencies, overall character or musicality, etc.) Doing things quickly is a challenge with tube amps, which must be shut down properly in order to swap things out. Then, they must be turned on and warmed up a bit.

I'm curious how people conduct their comparisons given whatever factors they contend with. Do you take notes? Have a standard vocabulary (e.g. the one in Harley's book)? Use a checklist? Have certain test tracks that you have virtually memorized? And so on. I'd like to know what works for you.

Most of the time, I'm just listening to music and enjoying it. But when I do want to add gear or make a change, it's natural for a critical comparison to call for some kind of procedure. I'm still trying to figure out what procedure can provide reliable, practical information. When my procedure seems too random or complicated, I feel a bit absurd — like I'm just doing kabuki-science! 

OP strict level matching is essential. Lots of good tools to help with this that IMO should be part of the arsenal. Test tones, SPL meter, DMM, and an RTA with a calibrated microphone ( I use the Studio Six set of tools which run on an IPad ) 

As you probably already know, the ear brain likes louder and louder is just chasing your tail from a qualitative perspective, unless you can level match. My mentor (RIP) in this critical area and a real stickler for matching to .25 db or better was Roger Modjeski.

and there are measures for speech intelligibility, using a recording of a familiar voice ( instrument, acoustic space, etc ) can be an excellent touchstone- I use a Zoom H-6. There is of course a big and obvious difference between recognizing “ mom” and understanding what she is saying.
OP I will also commend you both on your journey and introspection- those tend to lead to self improvement:-)

On single variable changes with cables it is best to gently demate/mate the baseline connects, allow some settle in time listen then make switch to the variable cable. One reason why I like Audioquest DBS system is that the battery is always forming the dialectic- this greatly speeds up a cable A/B.

its also a good practice to get on a demate/clean/mate maintain cycle for the whole system 
I appreciate the thoughtful responses. I will not respond to insults or condescension. I phrased my question carefully. And yet...

So, to the thoughtful responders: I will think about what’s been said and respond when I have a moment.
@tommic601 -- the specific mentions of equipment and techniques is very helpful, as is the encouragement.

In the meantime, I found this interesting piece: http://www.acourate.com/Download/BiasesInModernAudioQualityListeningTests.pdf

I have not read it carefully or fully, so I am not endorsing it, but clearly auditory memory is a complex psychological subject area.
I’ll bite, and I’ll share what I’m planning to do over next couple of months.

I’m waiting to take delivery from local dealer on streamer/dac that will complete a new second system, which I have yet to assemble. All of the components (speakers, power amp, dac/streamer, power conditioner) are new, as are all of the cables. I’ll burn everything in for a week or so and listen to it and come to terms with what I have.

Nothing too interesting there.

But as to my planned experiment, I’ve also (just for fun and experimentation purposes), acquired three new sets of alternative cabling, each consisting of 3 pieces (power cord for streamer/dac, interconnect between streamer/dac and power amp, and speaker cables). [power cable to amp and sub will remain constant thru experiment, as I’ve read that power cord to source is most important].

The three alternative sets are at different cost levels, each less than what I’m planning to have as my true set with this system, that I refer to in para 2.

The three sets are:
at the low end, cost-wise: AmazonBasics speaker and interconnect, and W Audio power cable (also available on Amazon) - msrp around $60 total.

in the middle, cost-wise: Pangea power cable and Blue Jeans IC and speaker cables - msrp around $180.

finally: Audioquest power, IC and speaker cables - msrp around $575.

I will break each of these in also for about a week, together as a set, and listen to determine whether and how much I detect differences in these three alternative sets of cables, and how they compare to the set I selected for the system.

I realize this is changing three things at a time, instead of one, and if I really wanted to go crazy I could spend the rest of my life looking at the permutations and combinations of everything involved, but .... three sets will take enough time and exhaust my experimentation curiosity given the limited amount of time in a day I have to spend on this, haha.

Thereafter, assuming the preselected set survives, I’ll keep the three alternative sets to let extended family members or friends just starting out experiment with to see whether they hear differences in their systems and whether cable upgrades might make sense for them based on what they hear. Probably they’ll say, "you kidding! why would I go to that much work??! - you’re nuts!" But on here it’s all good : )