More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music

Hi,   just want to know if anyone can offer their opinions on how to boost the bass when listening to 2 channel music.

I just got a pair of B&W 804 D3 and would like to get more bass out of the speakers.   I remember the bass was pretty punchy when I heard it in the dealer showroom, but I don't seem to get that in my setup.   I currently have Parasound A31 power amp with 250 watts per channel.

So the question is whether I should get a more power amp, or add subwoofer to my 2 channel music.  I'm a little bit of a purist and would prefer not to use a subwoofer for music, but I'm open to this option.

I would definitely appreciate if anyone can share their experience/opinion.   Thanks very much.
Thanks George.   Thanks for the information on Parasound A31.   That is good to know.   Maybe I do need more power to drive those B&W.   I'll checkout the review.

Also, many thanks to others for information on room treatment and multiple subwoofers.    One thing I should have mentioned in my original post, is that I live in an apartment, not small, but average size.  I don't have a lot of options to accommodate multiple subwoofers.   I actually do have a subwoofer now.  It's a very old Def Tech subwoofer from the 90's.   It doesn't have a whole lot of connection options.   I only use it for movies.  I was looking to replace that anyway.   

I do like the option of adding some acoustic panels, and will look into that further.

xcool OP Just found proper test on the A31 as I thought not much current ability into low impedances. The 4ohm wattage should be a lot higher, and they didn’t do the 2ohm as it would have been trouble (bang maybe). Not the amp for these speakers.

 Cheers George

BHK Labs Measurements: Parasound Halo A31 Three-Channel Amplifier
  • 1% THD 232.8W @ 8 ohms, 352.0W @ 4 ohms
  • 10%THD 285.0W @ 8 ohms, 422.9W @ 4 ohms

dual subs; as large and powerful as you can fit and afford. I like the big HSU Research units
i don't remember what the dealer use.  It was actually in Magnolia shop of Best Buy when I heard them for the first time.  I think they might just be using a Rotel integrated.