How to remove ground pin on power cable

This is a power cable being used for my subwoofer. I have a ground loop currently. According to the manufacturer of my subwoofer, due to it's design, it is perfectly safe to remove the ground. Right now I do so with a cheater plug but I would like to avoid having to use it. The power cable in question is Oyaide Black Mamba V2

How easy is it to take a power cable apart and disconnect the ground? Is it best to do so at the IEC side or the pronged side? What is the process for doing this?

Edison was a proponent of DC, he intended to wire our homes like giant flashlights. Tesla was the man behind alternating current.
There was a need for grounded appliances, etc, from day one, Erik. No different really than seat belts. Just took a while to evolve.
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Saw it off or clip it off with bolt cutters. Why go to trouble of taking it apart?
Jim, once again, thanks for taking the time. Haven't watched that video yet, but it's cued up.
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