Decent preamp

I didn't say good because I'm in the budget but what's a decent preamp I could buy to work with Aragon 2004 amp? I'm thinking tube but let me know your opinions. Was advised to stay away from emotiva and other factory direct brands but not sure if that's a valid opinion.
A good choice that won't break the bank and get you into a tube preamp is the Counterpoint SA-2000 preamp.  Sent it to me when you are ready to upgrade and be happy for the rest of your life>

Happy Listening.
If your patient wait until a Proceed-Pre shows up. Make sure a working original remote is included. $500 could get one in good(7/10) condition.
The Schiit Freya + is a tube pre and is way more than decent.  It’s a great value at $899, and they offer an in-home trial period.  BTW, if you say you’re on a budget it’d be nice to know what that number is.  Just sayin’.
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