EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating

Has anyone experienced any sort of resonating sound coming from their CDSD when playing certain CDs. This has happenned to me on two discs, the latest one with "Shirley Eikhard - Stay Open, Track 1 - Take It To The Max". I assume it has something to do with the rotation speed of the transport on that given track, because it slowly fades away past the 2 minute mark, and doesn't occur on any other track. It is extremely annoying and surprising for a $7K transport. I'm starting to wonder if I need to send it back, but I'm hesitating considering how difficult it has been to get it in the first place.
Hi Jonathan,
Yes, it is plugged into a BPT 3.5 Sig+, which is plugged into a dedicated circuit. The only other thing that hangs off the BPT is the DCC2. If you are suggesting it may be a source of problems, I'll try plugging it direct into the wall. My transport in for service for a few weeks now so I can't give this a try immediately.
Finally got my transport back last night and plugged direct into the wall made no difference in terms of mechanical vibration noises.
Oneobgyn - may I ask how came you have owned THREE CDSD transports ??? Were they all defective ?
Nikki- Something is very strange. I owned one of the original CDSD (metal tray)and it had a very annoying ticking sound. I replaced it when the CDSD came out and it has been bulletproof. I know several people with the new CDSD (plastic tray) and no one has had any problems.

BTW, I have plugged it into power conditioners and directly to the wall and it performs flawlessly either way.