What's your process for comparing new gear, cables, etc.?

It's a staple of many if not most posts to compare auditory experiences and attribute them to different factors — larger components (room, speaker, amp, dac, etc.) and the rest (speaker wire, cables, power) etc. This is how we choose new gear or compare what we already have.

Given the number of components and how short auditory sensory memory is, any comparison should change the fewest variables possible, as quickly as possible. (And auditory memory is short, even for simpler sounds. We compare using complex sounds and want to judge complex dynamic effect — soundstage, tonality at various frequencies, overall character or musicality, etc.) Doing things quickly is a challenge with tube amps, which must be shut down properly in order to swap things out. Then, they must be turned on and warmed up a bit.

I'm curious how people conduct their comparisons given whatever factors they contend with. Do you take notes? Have a standard vocabulary (e.g. the one in Harley's book)? Use a checklist? Have certain test tracks that you have virtually memorized? And so on. I'd like to know what works for you.

Most of the time, I'm just listening to music and enjoying it. But when I do want to add gear or make a change, it's natural for a critical comparison to call for some kind of procedure. I'm still trying to figure out what procedure can provide reliable, practical information. When my procedure seems too random or complicated, I feel a bit absurd — like I'm just doing kabuki-science! 

kren006, congrats on being one of the very few people who understand how to actually compare cables. I find that the majority do not compare sets, which is the only way to hear what the manufacturer intended. I first started comparing sets of cables about 17 years ago, and it was revelatory. It's the only way to make certain progress with cables. Mixing is largely guesswork and waste of time for no set direction/result. 

You may not get surprising or large results from the cables sets if they are constructed similarly and have similar AWG. It is not uncommon for cables of similar construction and AWG to sound similar. Your selections according to price point may not vary enough to overcome that issue. But, there will probably be at least some variance, perhaps one will be quite noticeably superior. 

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Cool, douglas, thanks for the props!

I’m looking forward to it in a geeky kind of way. Obviously I’m using pretty low budget stuff here with my three alternate cable sets, but it’ll still be useful in evaluating some potential quality differences over an order of magnitude cost spectrum (from $60 to about $600).

Perhaps as I go along this journey I’ll expand it upward if funds allow.

And my secondary system should be resolving enough to note the differences:
Spendor D1 mini monitors
Rel R-328 sub
Cambridge Audio Edge W power amp
Cambridge Audio Azur 851n streamer/dac/pre
Audioquest Powerquest 3 conditioner.

Didn’t mention it but the baseline cable set chosen for the system are Signal MagicPower power cables to CA’s and Rel, with Signal subwoofer Neutrik cable from amp to Rel. AQ Rocket 33 speaker cables and Red River XLR interconnects (well I guess here I am mixing brands but keeping power- and signal-carrying brands constant at least).