You've tried other amps and ended with Pass, please discuss

So I'm genuinely curious about this, and I'd like your thoughts.

You: Are a current pass owner who has tried a number of other amps and stuck with Pass.

Please discuss your speakers, your pass and what other amps you feel your current set up bested.

I won't opine, but may ask questions to those who are not specific enough.
One thing I've heard a lot is the terms "refined." I don't know what this means, so if you can compare to other amps with more detail, would appreciate that.

As I’m sitting here enjoying a nice cold beer and listening to music, I read this entire thread*. It was like a tv sitcom. I actually lol a few times. I love this loonie bin and everyone in it. Cheers inmates. 
*Day 38 in our house on lockdown, so that might have something to do with it. 
Thank you again to everyone who participated in this thread. As I’ve said before, I am particularly grateful for those who can share specific experience as to what they’ve tried, and what worked and did not work for them. Those types of insights, whether they end up with Pass or not, are incredibly useful to everyone who is looking to settle down with a final amplifier.

It gives me great joy to see another audiophile reach their happy place, wherever that may be.


The premise of it all is very funny...."So why on earth are you enjoying your Pass amp so much?" As Greta Thunberg once said - "How dare you!"
The premise of it all is very funny...."So why on earth are you enjoying your Pass amp so much?" As Greta Thunberg once said - "How dare you!"

If that is your interpretation of my original posting three_easy_payments I have to say you are reading things in here I never meant to put in.

The point of this thread was to understand the journey audiophiles take, and to understand audiophiles in terms of how we learn adapt and change. Why some like a type of sound and why others don't.  Just like music, there's no real wrong answer, but why person A becomes fascinated by an artist and others do not is a worthwhile discussion to me.

Some people see painting as 2 dimensional, you like it or you do not. I see art as occurring in a historical context in which even if I don't like it, appreciating the message and influence is culture.


but @erik_squires if that were true, that this was all about broadly uncovering the journey we all take in discovering what we like and how we arrived where we did etc... wasn’t it quite arbitrary to select Pass as the gear to specifically reflect on? If you had posted the above framework in your original post, without "arbitrarily" selecting one brand this whole conversation wouldn’t be so off-putting to every Pass owner.