Pass X150.5 or Odyssey Stratos monos?

After months of research and mental anguish ;) I've narrowed down my search for new amplification to the two in the title. There are obvious differences like the fact that one is a stereo amp while the other are monoblocks. Anyway, if you had to, which option would you go with and why? Thanks!
Kismets can be put in the stratos cases for a great price reduction,
or even the  khartago cases to save even more.

 Same amazing,amps in smaller cases,
give Klaus a call, call between 9-11pm for best answer.
tell him I sent you, or that you are interested in. The Kismet amps in different cases,
you will be pleased. 
 Kismets in the top tier cases are about 5000k roughly,
Kismets in strato or khartago cases much less.
  Cake Klaus, see what he has to offer, tell him your speakers, tell him your considering the Pass amps, he will be honest with ou.

 Give him a shot.
He will be there now, ready for your call.

 Give Klaus a call, he’s amazing to talk to.
smart, honest, knowledgeable, 

 hit the website and call the 219 number.
he is always happy to chat with audio lovers.
Ask about the Kismets in khartago cases,
should be not too bad.

 Hope you find what your looking for.

 Either the Pass or Odysseys are great amps!

 Happy fun time!
the search/demo of new amps is always awesome!

let us know what you choose and how you like the amp...
I never look at equipment with resale value in mind. I just want to enjoy it and if I choose well it should stay with me ad infinitum.
give em a try, call and talk to Klaus.
Do read kismet reviews, and call and talk to Klaus!
give em a try, call and talk to Klaus.
Call Klaus and chat and hear him!
give Klaus a call, call between 9-11pm for best answer.
Cake Klaus, see what he has to offer

 Wow! now that’s freaky