Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Millercarbon: for this usual types / characters, the debate was not sorted out in the 80s, because they were not born yet! You realize these naysayers are broke no-job know-it-all millennials writing from their mom’s basement, right?

And as for the “try it for yourself” thing, they have a solution for that. Something in the lines of “science”, and “I don’t have to go to North Pole to know it’s cold out there”. One guy told me something today about a throwing a virgin on a volcano to see if erupts 😂😂. I call this creative trolling 😂🙄
God help the poor audiophiles of yore that made do with very modest fare. Speaking of which, some of the highest resolution, most dynamic systems I have ever heard consisting of horns and compression drivers were running on basic copper wire.

some typical audiophile answers above.

In answer to the OPs open supposition; yes I believe a company like Ayre will voice their obsessively designed and wonderfully performing components to run exactly as intended on the power cords they provide. After all it is essentially the same wire as is found in their components.

not saying a different result can be had. But different does not mean better. It stands to reason the component is voiced with the cords they provided. Otherwise they would state clearly that performance of their components will be improved with an aftermarket powercord.
not saying a different result can be had. But different does not mean better.

No, different means different. Whenever two things are different one is of necessity better, the other worse. You admit there’s a difference. So what you’re really saying then is you don’t know which is which. You don’t know what you’re hearing. Otherwise you would know one is better than the other. But you don’t. You only know they’re different.

Glad we cleared that one up.
They’re good enough. My rule is simple. If there’ s a long debate about a tweak. Leave it. Invest in what clearly matters.
About once each year a skeptic is brave enough to try and figures it out. At that rate by the end of the world the debate will be resolved.  ;)