Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
Ironically, if one want’s to be mostly free, the only practical approach is  to isolate yourself off-the-grid in a cabin in the woods somewhere. Lots of people do it. I saw it on TV.  Interesting stuff.  Gotta figure a way to run my hifi there though.  Will need an efficient amp. Or maybe just headphones....
OP I went to Grad school in Western Kentucky.  Lived there for 2 years.   One year in a trailer park with $75 rent living on 5 pound blocks of cheese.  It’s a wonderful place to be in many ways, even more so probably these days. I think you would like it there.
The LA Mayor is also encouraging citizens to snitch on their neighbors if they see them outside where they shouldn't and pay them to do so. Sounds an awful lot like a certain European country in the 40's . 
Our neighborhood had a virtual happy hour with social distancing outside  in one of the courts the other weekend. Very nice! Distance makes the heart grow fonder as they say. Don’t fink on me now!
mapman ...

  •  One year in a trailer park with $75 rent living on 5-pound blocks of cheese.

Was that Gumment cheese? 

And hey, If you had that virtual happy hour with social distancing outside where I live, you'd be facing the Sheriff's SWAT team. If they can do it to a lone surfer, just think how they would come down on your "criminal" activity. 


t_ramey ...

The "experts" of the 30s and 40s brought the incinerators to bear.  Here, they are only destroying a great economy. Twenty-two million new applications for unemployment compensation, and it won't stop there. Some are suggesting that the Communist Chinese Virus shut-down should last until after the next election. Hmm, I wonder why?
