Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
I live in Michigan and, well lets just say the restrictions are ridiculous. There has been only 2 cases of the virus in my area. 

I started the process of a tooth implant. Well they removed my tooth, installed the bone graft and now I can't get the implant installed!

And from whom do the governors get their data to support the shuttering of the state's citizens?  Yep, the EXPERTS.  So when it comes down to it we are being subjected to the "Tyranny of the Experts".  And yes, every state's got 'em.  Congratulations America.  On the bright side... our founding fathers would be stunned that we were able to maintain our basic personal freedoms as long as we have.

Oh no!  Here comes another drone!!
@reubent Murray. KY 1983-85 while at Murray State in the Geosciences Grad program studying Satellite Remote Sensing and Digital Cartography at their then-state-of-the-art Mid Atlantic Remote Sensing Center (MARC) facility.

Loved it there.  Great place and great people.
Yep, tyranny of the experts, those crazy whackos are trying to keep us alive. I think they're wasting their time. 
My brother is a retired California Highway Patrolman ...  now residing in Tennessee. He tells me that his retirement pension goes about 30% further there than in the People's Republic of California. He tells me that he's amazed that there aren't more Communist Chinese Virus victims in Tennessee considering how many people smoke cigarettes there. 

Gotta watch them-thar gull-danged religious revivals. They're pandemic. 
