Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Ayre for many years had a line of Ayre branded premium cables manufactured by Cardas if my memory is correct.
Yes, the "Ayre" cables were sourced from Cardas. I think the speaker cables were essentially Golden Reference but in a different jacket. Looks like Ayre no longer offers these (judging by their website).
My thinking is that Ayre wouldn’t supply cables that are inadequate for their components.
Ayre would probably say that their OEM cable is "adequate" but add that you can get even better results with some aftermarket cables. I know they often show with Cardas, sometimes Audioquest (maybe others?). From their perspective, it isn’t sensible to include a $$$ power cord or IC with their components. For one thing, as was pointed out up-thread, they have no idea how long your cables need to be. Secondly, tastes and opinions of cables widely range. Some don’t think cables make any difference whatsoever while others insists on specific brands or technology. It would be tough to satisfy more than a minority of customers, and that's assuming the cable is even the proper length.
Obviously there are lots of opinions about power cords, as well as about nearly every aspect of audio.  I found a few of the comments inane or illogical.  One thing I didn't mention that turned me off the AC3 and to a lesser extent the AC14 is the size and stiffness of the cable, a convenience not audio factor.  

IIRC, I bought the AC3 cables for the JC-1s.  I went from Parasound (JC 2 & JC 1) to Ayre (KX-5/20 & VX-5/20) when I added a DX-5 DSD disc player and QX-5/20 digital hub for Roon.

Most manufacturers of high end gear expect that customers will want to choose a different power cord so their gear comes with stuff (a notable exception is NAIM).  On the plus side, the customer is not paying more for the gear coming with a better power cord that is still not up to the liking of the particular buyer.
Yeah well, I went to Ayre's website and plodded through their warranty. Particular buyers might consider doing the same before using an aftermarket cord that hasn't been UL tested. At least keep the original and lie about it if the need arises. 

1,657 posts
04-23-2020 3:38pm
Yeah well, I went to Ayre's website and plodded through their warranty. Particular buyers might consider doing the same before using an aftermarket cord that hasn't been UL tested. At least keep the original and lie about it if the need arises.
LOL!! This must be the most preposterous (I am trying to be nice) post I have seen in years in this hobby. Voiding the warranty for using a power cord other than the stock power cord?? LOL!!