Discussion of Class D Amps Application & Experiences

With all the time off that our current situation has allowed recently, I became intrigued by the idea of class D amplification. I have always been against this type of amplifier but the more I have read the more I have also learned. There are lots of threads here on this subject many of which result in arguments about which amplifier class is better. I do not want to do that here. As I consider a class D amp I need to let you know that I currently use a fairly powerful class A/B SS amp and pre-amp into an efficient pair of speakers rated at 4 ohms. My choice of equipment has always been focused on musicality over absolute detail. I want the music to sound natural and not sterile. I seem to have achieved that sound. If I switched to class D amplification that would also be my intended goal although a bit more refined detail would be fine. I have considered pairing the amp with a tube pre to help achieve my desired sound. So why would I change? My goal would be to save money over my current gear while maintaining my desired sound.

I have researched brands such as Nord, Primare, AGD & Nuprime. I have also looked at brands such as Jeff Rowland & Merrill but those are way out of my price range. My target would be $6000 - $7000 or less. I'm about performance not price. So given that background information I would like to hear from those who have made the leap, what your experience has been (likes and dislikes), what amp did you replace and any comments about one brand over the other. Your experience with demos etc. Do you use a tube or SS line stage?
About this time last year, I purchased a Digital Amplifier Company class D amp.  It was used, about ten years old and the most expensive amp I have ever purchased.  I have many different class A/Bs from a multitude of US manufacture's and a couple of Japanese built, all at 200 wpc or greater.  The DAC 4800a was the first amp to let my speakers sound their best.  I use Magnepans and Martin Logan's.  From first listen, it was the absolute quietest amp ever.  Put a disc on walk away-and suddenly sound just erupted from my speakers, whether Greig or Steely Dan, it was incredible.  The sound from deepest notes to highest were clear, single notes lost in the A/B fog now had their own voice.  Soundstage and depth was wide and deep.  In January of this year I purchased 2 DAC Maraschinos, one used and one from DAC direct.  I could not be happier, the build quality is old school USA.  The amps do not use modules from other companies, instead they build it from their own design.  Most of the A/B amps were made at ATI.  Give the Digital Amplifier Co. web site a look see.  Just another opinion.
The best at giving great detail without fatigue I have heard are amps with Purifi 

Sorry maybe you missed that in my post I get carried away sometimes. I think these Class D amps are very good but I went back to Class AB. I liked the amps I heard with Purifi and Hypex but from just my subjective opinion I like the sound of AB. I've had McIntosh, B&K old ones, Micromega, Anthem. I'm  not getting into an OP Amp discussion,  I've heard different ones I couldn't tell the difference the measurements are within 1% of each other on the ones mentioned here. Maybe my ears aren't good enough.  Nords are good but I would advise if you get one to try, take the cover off and make sure they didn't wire the speakers wrong, yes I've seen that. March Purifi is good VTV is another I would look inside the XLR might have pin 1 wired wrong and no ground on the mains. NAD doesn't sound bad good detail  and soundstage they're coming out with a new Purifi the M33? Need to watch their build quality as well. 
I Know you said the Rowlands are out of your price range, but I would like to recommend the 535. One of them new is in your price range. I have a pair as mono's (they are designed to be used that way if you choose). I had a Rowland Model 2 (A/B) for 25 years, and replaced it with a pair of 535's. Voicing is virtually identical but the 535's have audibly less noise, more dynamics (there is a considerable power difference), and a positively huge sound stage. Using a hybrid line stage - PS Audio BHK. Driving Totem Forest Signatures. I am quite happy with them.
Also Elac has some low profile Class D amps out there these days.
Anyone heard and able to comment?