Innuos Digital Players - Innuos Zenith MK2 vs Zenith MK3 or ZEN MK3

Used Zenith MK2's and new ZEN MK3's are around the same price point. I am assuming that the Zenith models may be the sweet spot in the Innuos line. A new Zenith MK3 is above my price range but I do wonder how much of a sound quality improvement there is between the Zenith MK2 and Zenith MK3. Recently I got a Lampizator Amber 3 DAC with the newest USB interface which has built in superclocks. I was shopping used Lampizator's in the higher models when someone suggested that, with the ongoing technical upgrades the new Amber 3 may actually sound better than older higher end models. With that dynamic in mind, I wonder if the same could be true of the ZEN MK3 vs the Zenith MK2?
nquery: Just contact LampizatorNA through their website. The USB information came from Lukas Fikas through Rob Reich at  LampizatorNA.
If you sent your last question by twitter - it did not show up on this discussion.
@oglefront not sure what you are referring to re. twitter. I am just posting on the forum directly.

Anways, I did indeed confirm with Lampi that they have recently updated the standard USB implementation from an off-the-shelf amanero 384 board to a proprietary in-house board, that they claim has improved sound quality and compatibility. I assume that they will provide their own firmware updates if/when necessary. Maybe this is part of the reason the Amber got a price bump on April 1.

Thanks for the heads up!
Sorry to keep derailing your thread but a quick fyi that Lampi NA had a new in box Amber 3 with the new USB implementation available ... so I decided to bite the bullet and grab it. Was never a huge fan of Amanero USB’s so this revision pushed me over the edge.

Back to the main topic of your thread .. if your main interest is streaming and you already have a great DAC I question the need for even something like a Lumin. It’s a lot of money for, DAC aside, what is basically a simple computer with a clean audio output.
 I am using Roon server on a Mac mini in my basement, which then streams over Ethernet to a simple but high quality Roon bridge/hqp endpoint connected to the DAC. Taking the DAC out of the Lumin equation, I doubt there is any audible difference in sound quality. Obviously not as plug and play mind you.
I also find it amazing that in their $4500 T2 streamer/DAC they hard wired a switching power supply. You have to move up their chain from that to get a linear power supply ... !@#

If you want local storage/playback of digital files then the Innuos certainly seems more appealing.
You are fortunate to have found an Amber 3 with the updates available in the US. Otherwise I think you would have had to wait a while. Also, as I understand it, Lampizator prices everything in Euros and converts to other currencies so the pricing can vary according to exchange rate. 

I am in the process of trying to connect my Squeezbox Touch to Tidal - so far without success - but it is supposed to work.