Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

subjective measurements "

this is an oxymoron term....
it's  a term used when the subjective opinions have been acquired through controlled ABX testing and used in conjunction with scientific measurements in psychoacustics.
OP -- I am very sorry the thread is hijacked (again) from the naysayers.
The name of this thread is "Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?"

The OP is asking for opinions, not a boiler plate answer of yes or no.

I will say that although the formal definition of the word "naysayer" is not specifically related to religion, other than on this website I have most often if not only heard it associated with those who did not believe in a particular religion. I know it is just my hang-up, and I may be way off base here, but I find the repetitive use of the word by those who believe in certain tweaks describing those that do not believe in the tweaks as being just this side of disturbing.

This post will self destruct in one day.

Here in AZ, it's quite necessary to have a large home AC (air conditioning) unit. When my AC unit comes on, there is a momentary dimming of lights and even a slight flicker in the TV picture. The one thing, in which I detect no flicker of the lights, no glitch whatsoever in the sound or performance, is my audio system. I do have my system running through a moderately priced 15A APC power regulator/surge protector - mostly for surge protection, but I suspect that mostly the reason for my system's stable performance is do to the well designed power supplies in my components. JMO, if your very expensive amplifier requires a $3K aftermarket power cord to make it perform well, I'd trade that thing in for something that had a decent power supply and performed as intended out of the box, with the cord that was supplied....Jim 
it's a term used when the subjective opinions have been acquired through controlled ABX testing and used in conjunction with scientific measurements in psychoacustics.

..then I think a proper english term is  - 'estimate'...not 'subjective measurement'