Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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it's a term used when the subjective opinions have been acquired through controlled ABX testing and used in conjunction with scientific measurements in psychoacustics.

..then I think a proper english term is  - 'estimate'...not 'subjective measurement'
News Flash! Controlled ABX testing results have no meaning. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, but, but, but they’re supposed to be scientific and infallible.  😩
" would you chance a lot of returns or bad reviews because you cheaped out on the cord." 

I think most notable reviewers use their own upgraded interconnects, speaker cables and power cables in their reviews.
There are all kinds of AC cables touted by manufacturers to do all kinds of wonderful things to your sound. The AC plug that all these cables are plugged in to, are fed with regular household contractor grade 14awg cables that go through walls and studs and are stapled to secure them. How would a 10awg cable improve the flow of electricity after it is fed with a 14awg cable run that has many twists and turns and could be 30-40' in some cases. Makes no sense. Can a larger gauge cable clean up any impurities in your house line or allow more electricity when it is only fed with 14 gauge.
I am new to home audio well sort of knew I enjoyed it when I was a kid back in the 1980s. As I got back into it I stumbled on this fight that everyone’s having over all of these cables. I search the Internet to find whatever I could to educate myself on what the difference was between stock versus aftermarket cords. 
I found two things. The first one was more manufacturers than I ever could’ve imagined and none of them had any kind of charts or graphs or information on how they could change your listening experience. It was all words, “like a much brighter soundstage”. What the hell does that mean?
The second thing I found was a guy on YouTube who explains everything in layman‘s terms. His name is Ethan Winer.  He has four or five videos explaining many different things about manufactures and designers and how they do things. Here’s a link to one of his videos. After I watch them and then re-watch them because a lot of the stuff went over my head I never saw the power cord dilemma the same.
I’ll be interested in hearing what you guys think